We’re connecting education with action: we strive to provide students with hands-on, solutions-oriented experiences that leverage the diversity of Georgia Tech’s on- and off- campus partnerships.

Featured classes
Vertically Integrated Project: Air Quality Sensors
Design and deploy air quality sensors on the Georgia Tech campus and around Atlanta. Analyze resulting data streams and develop new policies and practices to address poor air quality on campus and beyond. Work with a diverse set of faculty experts on research with a strong focus on equity and environmental justice, recognizing that the impacts of poor air quality fall disproportionately on vulnerable community members, whether on the Georgia Tech campus or in Atlanta’s low-income communities of color.
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Energy, Environment and Society (EAS3110)
Compete in a semester-long “Carbon Reduction Challenge” in this interdisciplinary seminar-style course, and reduce the carbon footprint of a large organization. Speakers from the Tech campus & beyond will encourage lively discussion relevant to our energy and climate future. “We felt we had a real chance to make a big difference in emissions for a large organization”, Rachel Mohr & Michelle Babcock, winners of the 2020 Classroom Carbon Reduction Challenge, reflect.
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Engineering Our Climate Future (EAS4801)
How can advanced technology help us address climate change? What solutions lie far beyond the continued acceleration of renewable energy technologies? This brand-new minimester explores leading-edge technologies & the tradeoffs that society will face in weighing their large scale deployment, and features a slate of expert faculty.
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Vertically Integrated Project: Living Building Science
We are going to have to start living sustainably. Georgia Tech just opened the Kendeda building, which seeks to satisfy the Living Building Challenge which includes being net energy positive, net water positive, and zero waste. What is the impact of this building on the external environment? What is the quality of the air and water inside the building? The Living Building Science VIP seeks to answer these questions and more, while conducting our experiments in the most sustainable way possible.
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Freshman Seminar: Climate Change Focus (GT1000)
The Freshman Seminar course is designed to help students prepare for success in college and reflect on their values, academic plan, & career. This section of GT 1000 is designed to help students chart a course through Georgia Tech, however windy it might be, so that they emerge as climate-conscious citizens prepared to educate others & implement solutions. If you are excited about using your knowledge & skills to change society’s relationship to the climate, this section is for you!

Outside the classroom
Carbon Reduction Challenge
The Carbon Reduction Challenge is a semester-long program where students work with organizations to develop projects that reduce carbon dioxide emissions and save money.
Learn moreAir Quality Sensors
As part of the Kendeda Living Building Science VIP Course, students are quantifying the air quality on Georgia Tech’s campus, and exploring how that translates to the broader Atlanta Community.
Learn moreClimate Solutions Lab
A Georgia Tech initiative to engage, inspire, and equip the next generation of student entrepreneurs to create market-ready climate solutions through a partnership between the Carbon Reduction Challenge and Create-X teams.
Coming soon!Contact
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